Frequently asked questions
What are your opening hours?
Appointments are available Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, including after-school appointments.
How many sessions will I need?
Generally speaking there are two styles of psychological therapy. Shorter-term practical interventions, and longer-term psychotherapy treatment. Shorter-term counselling generally takes around 4-12 sessions. It addresses issues for people who will benefit from having some new skills in thinking and behaving in more productive ways.
Longer-term psychotherapy is useful for people who have longstanding issues. This sort of therapy can last 6 months or longer. It is useful for issues with relationships and certain types of anxiety or predisposition to depression.
How much does it cost?
An appointment costs $250.00. Sessions can be paid for at the time of the appointment by cash, cheque, EFTPOS or credit card.
What rebates are available?
Medicare: Through the Better Access to Mental Health Care Initiative, Medicare Rebates are available to clients who are given a referral from their General Practitioner (GP), Psychiatrist or Paediatrician. Recommendations from an Obstetrician or Gynaecologist will require a GP referral. Medicare rebates can then be claimed through Medicare for clinical psychological therapy sessions under a Mental Health Care Plan. This allows a client up to 10 sessions per year. Up to 3 x Perinatal Non-Directive Counselling sessions are available under Medicare, following a referral letter from your GP. Higher rebates occur if you reach the Medicare Safety Net threshold. Check with your GP to access these Initiatives.
Private Health Fund: Most private health funds provide rebates for psychological therapies. Please check with your health fund provider.
Do I need a referral?
You do not need a referral to make an appointment. You do, however, need a referral to claim for Psychologist services from most private health funds or Medicare.
How long does a session last?
Each appointment typically runs for 50 minutes.

Please call for an appointment